Date range search with jQuery Datepicker using Ajax, PHP & MySQL - Clue Mediator

Date range search with jQuery Datepicker using Ajax, PHP & MySQL - Clue Mediator

Order Number Customer Name Item Price Purchased Date
10 Oscar Jury Macbook 1600.00 2021-01-08
9 Diane Nathan Microwave 200.00 2021-01-01
8 Lori Hunter Glass PVC Rubber 1700.00 2020-12-25
7 Helena Sorensen Apple Watch 590.00 2020-12-23
6 Jessica Hunter Casing Pipes 600.00 2020-12-14
5 Ronald Gary CCTV Camera 765.00 2020-12-10
4 David McGee Shuttering Plywood 1450.00 2020-11-23
3 Karen Victory Glass Block 250.00 2020-11-16
2 Oscar Thomas CCTV Camera 956.00 2020-11-12
1 John Derosa iPhone 745.00 2020-11-05